You might be preparing your home for a sale this month, or you might be thinking about a sale next year. Regardless of your desired time for a sale, you’re probably thinking about how you can increase your home’s value both monetarily and aesthetically.
Home improvement projects are very impactful when it comes to increasing your home’s value all around, and you might want to consider how you can spruce the place up before putting it before the buying public.
Not all home improvements require having a professional crew out to your house, and there are some very meaningful DIY projects you can take on yourself if you’re looking to increase home value.
It’s important to note that the average return at resale for home improvement projects is around 64% according to Remodeling Magazine’s Cost vs Value Report, so you are likely to lose a bit on your home improvement investments. For this reason, it’s all the more important to seek out DIY projects that increase your property value, as you’ll lose less of your investment while still improving the financial and aesthetic value of your space.
A few DIY projects you can take on to increase your property’s value are:
- Update your lighting – Lighting makes a massive difference in the value of your home, and today’s home buyers are looking for well-lit spaces that have a modern and stylish appeal. Updating your lighting fixtures is something you can do yourself, and something that makes a world of difference.
- Going green with your landscaping – It’s not just your interior you should pay attention to, but your landscaping as well. Today’s home buyers are all about going green, and going green with your landscaping is something anyone can do to increase their property’s value. Focus on native plants that require little upkeep, as these keep your landscape looking beautiful without much effort at all.
- Put a fresh coat of paint on the walls – Painting your interior or exterior can be a simple way to give your property a complete makeover with very little investment. Stick to neutral colors that prospective buyers can see themselves turning into their own.
Update your bathroom and kitchen – Your kitchen and bathroom are the two most important areas of the home to prospective buyers, so you’ll want to take care to make sure they’re updated and modern. Fixtures, appliances, and layouts can be taken care of in DIY style, and they can make a huge difference in successful selling.