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How to Prepare for Homeschooling

August 13, 2020

How to Prepare for Homeschooling
With so much uncertainty in the air when it comes to children returning to school, many families have chosen remote learning and homeschooling options for their children this upcoming school year. However, since these are very unprecedented times, many of us are looking for some guidance on how to prepare for homeschooling this year.

Get Organized

The first thing you need to do is get organized. This means you should begin to gather all the materials and supplies that will be needed for the student and create a work area in the home. We suggest getting them the same school supplies you would typically purchase if they were to have in-school instruction. Two-pocket folders, notebooks, pens, pencils, and a chalkboard or whiteboard can help you get more organized.

Lesson Prep

Next, you should become familiar with the expectations of working with your student. You will most likely be given a good amount of introductory information to review for each course you will be teaching your child. It is also recommended that you review the lesson plans a few days ahead of time and gather any other necessary materials you may need for those lessons.

Make a Plan

For homeschooling to be a success, you need to have a plan. This means creating a schedule that will work well for yourself and your student. A benefit of homeschooling is the flexibility it offers a household. So, make your plans, but allow for this flexibility. Some of the curricula may be best if worked on independently while other lessons may require more instruction.

More Than One Child

If you are homeschooling more than one child, you will need to tailor the schedule ahead of time, so it works for everyone. If you have a child that wakes up early, for example, take advantage and get their lessons out of the way in the morning. You can also teach your older children to follow their own schedules and work more independently as everyone becomes more comfortable with the homeschooling program and schedule.

Set Boundaries

Another way to prepare is to set boundaries. It can be hard to break a summer routine and jump back into a learning schedule. Set boundaries and make sure there is some accountability in place, so you don’t fall back on bad habits.
Follow these preparation tips, and you will find it will be much easier to make the transition from in-person learning to homeschooling.

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